Tuesday, April 29, 2014

60 Days to Sexy: Regular Healthy Diet/Conclusion

Hey guys...here I am with the conclusion of my 60 Days to Sexy diet/weight-loss challenge (late...sorry. Had stuff goin' on). Oh where do I begin...???

If you're not familiar with my 60 Days to Sexy personal fitness "challenge", then you can go back through my previous posts & catch up!

Let me start off by saying that I had a projected weight-loss goal of 20-25 pounds. AAAANNNDDD...I decided that I was going to accomplish this feat in 60 days. yep...60. Days. :-/

I, ladies & gentlemen did NOT lose 20 or 25 lbs. I lost weight, but not as much as I initially anticipated. 11 lbs to be precise. I think in my hastiness to whip it all back into shape, I neglected to take a few things into consideration. Like the fact that I'm not 18 anymore.

I am two kids in & my body has changed majorly over the past few years. Especially since having my son in 2012. I don't carry weight the same way I used to, my figure is completely different & my metabolism kinda started to suck. I also had developed some of the worst eating & sleeping habits possible.

Another thing I realized was that my environment & my will power had gotten into a full on knock-down-drag-out fist fight by the time I hit the final phase of my plan.

What do I mean by this? Well, way back before the kids & even when Lelah was a little baby consuming mostly milk & pureed...stuff, I didn't have all of the carbby snack-a-doodles hanging around my pantry waiting to be picked up by little fingers or tossed into lunch boxes. Now, my home is more often than not plagued by the carbby snack-a-doodles that Lelah begs for in the store, that I grab for her lunch/snacks.

And I, with much shame admit to having lazy, tired, hungry days where I opted to grab a twinkie, or a handful or cookies instead of fruit or a protein bar in between meals.

I also fell off on the exercising. Mainly  because I was just plain TIRED (recently discovered that I have a vitamin D deficiency, a symptom of which is chronic fatigue).

Anywho, the closer I got to the 60 day mark, I began to feel like I had officially hit the #FAIL button. But then I took everything into consideration & looked at my before & after photos. Eventhough I hadn't hit my overly ambitious target weight, I had made a ton of progress.

There wasn't a change in my weight from last time, so I just used the same pic again.

The cleanse did it's job, the vegan and vegetarian phases got me out of my crap-food rut & forced me to break some of my really bad eating habits, as well as incorporate more fresh foods. & eventhough I didn't stick to the plan 100%...it did work (to a degree).

Overall, I do think I could've met my goal if I HAD stuck to what I'd mapped out for myself. But, I'm happy with my result regardless. I did lose 11 pounds (Most of which seemed to be in my mid-section) & I was able to tighten up a bit!

As far as the physical fitness part, I didn't go to the gym, nor did I adhere to any insane workout program. I did the following exercises 3-6 days a week for at least 1 hour each session:

  • Stretching/Yoga (beginner yoga of course)
  • Stationary Bike Riding (15-30 min)
  • Planking 
  • Leg Raises
  • Sit-ups
  • Push-ups
  • Pull-downs (on exercise machine)
And for the food (when I was behaving myself), I continued making most of the foods from the vegan/vegetarian phases. I simply added lean meats and fish!

I plan to continue trying to keep it together & once I've hit my target, I'll post an update. So stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Vlog Time!

Ok, so I stuck my Canon in my pocket and filmed a little bit of everything last month. I finally put together some clips from the month of March & I think I just may start doing monthly vlogs! (As I am not nearly interesting enough for daily vlogging)

Anyway, Here's some footage from the SimplyChanelle.com launch party, a peek at the aerial silks class I took at the Detroit Flyhouse, happy babies & FIRE!

Watch & enjoy this peek into my life:

Oh! & Click Here to check out the post on the launch party & all the details!

*If the video quality is poor, go to the settings button (the little gear, wheel thingy at the bottom of the video), click & increase to 360p.