I am not a professional, dietitian or nutritionist, nor do I have any formal training in the area of health or fitness. I am simply a mom of two here to share my personal experiences/opinions on effectively getting ones sexy back, the healthy way.
Please consult your health care provider if you are taking medications or have any condition that may be affected by an abrupt change in diet or introduction of new physical activity.
I do not recommend attempting this program if you are under 18, pregnant or nursing.
This is a program that I am trialing for myself. An experiment.
Follow at your own risk.
Ok people, time to dive into the details of my "60 Days to Sexy" body makeover. This is a 5 part program consisting of the following:
- An Internal Cleanse/Detox (The Master Cleanse)
- A Vegan Diet
- A Vegetarian Diet
- A Low Fat/Low Carb Omnivorous Diet
- Exercise
I don't believe in counting calories...it's too stressful. I also don't use a tape measure unless I'm trying to size myself for a new bra or order a dress online & need to reference the sizing chart.
I use exercise and healthy eating as my main tools. If you're losing weight and shaping your body, why stress over calories and inches? I like to focus on how my body looks, feels & whether or not I can fit my size 4 skinny jeans.
Now, I know not everyone's goal is the same as mine. However, I do feel as though this program could be a one size fits most (not all). Whatever your goal may be, cleansing, healthy eating & exercise WILL help you attain it. I promise!
Part 1:
The Master Cleanse
The Master Cleanse is an exclusively liquid diet developed to cleanse your body of old waste & toxic buildup. It consists of natural laxatives, herbal teas & a lemonade drink made of lemon juice, organic maple syrup & cayenne pepper.
(For more details on the Master Cleanse Click Here) I use the master cleanse secrets website for reference. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
The Master Cleanse is not at all for the faint of heart & is to be done for a minimum of 10 days for best results. ( I usually do 10-14). It will likely be an extreme departure from your normal diet and will require the discipline of a Buddhist Monk to complete.
What You Will Need
Sea Salt (Not Regular Table Salt) |
Herbal Tea Containing Senna |
Your choice of caffeine free herbal teas. |
Grade A or B Maple Syrup (NOT Pancake syrup), Fresh Lemons, Cayenne Pepper |
Juicer for FRESH lemon juice (no bottled lemon juice. It's processed with crap & preservatives) |
A large (60+ oz) pitcher to mix & store your lemonade for the day |
A daily Probiotic supplement (Post-cleanse. Not during).
This will replace the good bacteria that gets flushed out during the cleanse. |
Travel mug for teas. |
Reusable bottles for convenience. Always take your lemonade & water with you when you're out.
The Lemonade
60 oz. daily serving:
- 7 1/2 cups (60 oz) filtered water
- 3/4 cup organic grade B maple syrup (Not pancake syrup)
- 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice ( 3-4 whole lemons)
- 1/2 Teaspoon cayenne pepper powder
The Salt Water Flush
- 2 tsp sea salt
- 25-30 oz warm water (not hot)
What to Do
- Drink a cup of the Senna laxative tea the night before you wish to begin your cleanse.
- When you wake in the morning do the salt water flush. Give yourself at least 2 hours before leaving the house as this type of laxative is extremely effective. (TIP: If you just can't handle the salt flush you may replace it with another cup of senna tea. Though the salt is far more effective)
- Prepare your lemonade & drink throughout the day you should finish the entire 60 oz before bed.
- Drink (& swish) plenty of water. This is important since the lemonade is very acidic and enamel erosion could be a concern.
- Drink another cup of the Senna tea before bed.
- Repeat the above steps daily for 10 days.
My Personal Experience
I've done the Master Cleanse several times over the years & I am not afraid to admit that the only reason I even tried it was because it was reported that Beyonce did it to slim down for her role as Deena in "Dream Girls".
So, I am currently on day 8 & trust me it's not fun nor is it particularly easy. I have become completely obsessed with all of the food boards on Pinterest & Good God! The food I am going to make once this phase of the program is over!
(Click Here for my Pinterest)
Anyway ...I digress. I get a lot of questions from people who are unfamiliar with the MC, so here's a break down of the benefits, challenges, what to expect & what I do to get through it:
- You get a complete flush of your GI tract. This can regulate your bowels and eradicate the gas and bloating that makes you look fat/pregnant.
- Your body gets a break from having to process and eliminate the crap/toxins found in a lot of the processed foods you consume.
- You can find yourself relieved of chronic ailments that have been exacerbated by the inflammatory properties of sugars, gluten etc.
- Weight loss is inevitable, seeing as how you have eliminated all fats, refined sugars and well...EVERYTHING you would normally consume. Plus you're eliminating a gut full of yuck.
- The Salt Water Flush *gag*. I'll be completely honest and say that this has been by far the hardest part of the cleanse. Choking down a warm glass of salt water makes me nauseous & there are days when I skip this step altogether.
- The amount of time spent in the bathroom. It's important to take the sea salt & herbal laxatives as often as recommended in order for the cleanse to be effective. However, taking these laxatives can interfere with your daily life if not timed properly.
- The extreme dietary restrictions. The cleanse doesn't allow any solids whatsoever. This is particularly challenging when you are a mom, as you are (assuming you possess domestic abilities) always preparing meals & snacks for your family. & no you cannot make your kids/husband cleanse with you.
- You will inevitably go through "Food Withdrawal". Your symptoms may include hunger pangs, extreme bitchiness, headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose & Pinterest food board obsession. Now, I am aware these symptoms are probably a pretty big deterrent, but they only last the first 3 days or so until your body adjusts. Then you should begin to feel normal if not better than you did pre-cleanse. Just make sure you drink often to keep yourself hydrated.
What to Expect:
- While on the master cleanse you can expect to see results very quickly. Eliminating the waste buildup from your gut will automatically flatten your stomach (to a degree). You can also expect to lose up to a pound or more a day while cleansing. Especially if you incorporate LIGHT to MODERATE exercise. However, you should also expect to gain SOME of the weight back almost immediately once you go back on solids. It's completely normal.
- You will have cravings, please do not give in to them as you will undoubtedly derail yourself.
- You can also expect people to ask you a million questions about the MC then proceed to tell you how awful it sounds & how they could/would never do a thing like that. They will likely offer you alternatives to the MC or tell you how "unhealthy" it seems, or just flat out try to get you to eat something that "won't hurt your diet".
- & Moms, you can expect your children to try and steal all of your lemons and maple syrup.
How to Get Through It
- You have to be 100% ready to do this. If you are not, or do not have the proper motivation, you will not succeed.
- Know your body and it's limitations. Drink as much of the lemonade, water, & herbal tea (except for the senna) as you need to to get through your day. If you find yourself feeling just too depleted though, add in an extra (natural) component. I have been juicing a fresh orange a couple times a day to keep my blood sugar up. I also add honey to my teas.
While you will definitely lose more weight during the cleanse if you incorporate physical activity, I can only recommend doing light to moderate exercise. If you go too hard in the gym on such a low calorie, no-protein fast, you will not lose good weight. You will begin to lose muscle mass and possibly bone. So keep it simple.
If you do decide to incorporate an exercise routine, here are some that I recommend. In moderation of course:
Stationary bike riding. Pace yourself though.
No need to ride as if you are in the tour de france.
Walking (indoor or outdoor)
Yoga & Stretching
Transitioning Back to Solid Foods
This is probably one of the most important parts of this cleanse. If you don't transition back to eating solids slowly, you can make yourself sick. Here is the recommended way to transition back to food that you can chew!:
- First Day After MC - Today you can add orange juice to your diet. I know, I know technically this a "post-cleanse" transition but it is still a liquid diet today. Begin taking your Probiotics to replace the good bacteria lost during all the flushing of your GI tract. Take them every day post cleanse. You may even consider adding them to your daily vitamins/suplements.
- Second Day - Along with the orange juice, you can add in vegetable broth, meatless, broth-based soups & rye wafers (I used rice crackers). Continue Probiotics.
- Third Day - Back to solids!!! Finally!!! Ok, now you can learn how to chew again. Today you can add meatless, broth-based soups, fruits and vegetables to your diet. Keep them plain though. Herbs, spices & garlic may be added to the vegetables & honey to the fruit for sweetness. No cream sauces, dip (other than hummus), sugar, butter or cheese though. Take your probiotic!!!
- Fourth Day - Same as day 3.
Once the 4 day transition period is over you may resume a regular healthy diet.
And that about sums it up for the first part of my "60 Days to Sexy" body makeover. I'm pretty sure I covered everything you need to know. I will be working on the post for the next phase & it will be up within the next week.
So, be sure to check back & don't forget to follow me here & on my other social media (buttons on home page) & feel free to comment or email me with questions.
Thanks for Reading!